A behind the scenes look at Crocosaurus Cove

Crocosaurus Cove is home to a wide range of animals in the heart of Darwin city, and it requires immense dedication to meet animal welfare standards and ensure our animals are happy and healthy in their captive environment.

Check out our “Behind the Bite” series as we introduce our passionate team and discuss how we care for our animals and why we love what we do here at Crocosaurus Cove.

New videos will be added weekly so keep an eye on this page for updates!

Episode One: The Cage of Death

The Cage of Death: it’s Australia’s only crocodile dive. The greatest opportunity to come face-to-face with Australia’s iconic saltwater crocodile, and truly learn to appreciate his strength and resilience as a modern-day dinosaur.

Take a peek behind the scenes as we talk about the Cage of Death, how we work with our saltwater crocodiles to create such a unique experience, and how the Cage of Death serves as an enrichment opportunity for both our guests and our 5m salties.

Episode Two: The Reptile House

Did you know Crocosaurus Cove is home to the world’s largest display of Australian reptiles?

Take a peek behind the scenes as our animal handler Alistair talks about our Reptile House, the many amazing reptile species we have here on display, and how we ensure their health and happiness is a priority.

Please note: this video includes footage of a snake feeding. Viewing discretion is advised.

Episode Three: Sally Isberg and our Saltwater Crocodiles

Crocodilians have been on this earth for over 260 million years, but there is still so much we don’t know about them.

Take a peek behind the scenes as we talk to Sally Isberg, the owner and managing director at the Centre for Crocodile Research based here in Darwin, NT.

Sally regularly visits Crocosaurus Cove to ensure animal welfare and husbandry standards are maintained here at the park, and also uses her visits as an opportunity to study our saltwater crocodiles and better understand what their needs are in captivity.

Episode Four: The Aquarium

There’s more than just reptiles here at Crocosaurus Cove!

Take a peek behind the scenes as we talk to Tom, our Aquarium and Life Support Supervisor, as he talks about our 220,000 litre freshwater aquarium and the importance of maintaining water quality and keeping our tanks clean when it comes to the health of our animals.

Episode Five: Our Animals Manager Charlotte

Take a peek behind the scenes as our Animals Manager Charlotte talks about our unique collection of animals, how some of them came to be here at Crocosaurus Cove, and how their needs vary so greatly.

Are you interested in more information on how we ensure our animals’ health and happiness? Feel free to read through our animal welfare statement or contact the team at info@croccove.com with any questions or concerns.